Extract from Quality Policy Statement
It is the policy of K V Steel Services Ltd to determine its customers' requirements by focussing on their needs and how best to supply products and services that fulfil them. This is achieved by means of a commitment from personnel within the organization to the principles of customer satisfaction with continual improvement, and an acceptance of the need to operate to the necessary standards of quality in its activities. This quality policy reflects the need for K V Steel Services Ltd to achieve its organizational goals of remaining competitive in the supply of materials, and being able to provide a service that remains responsive to its customers. Its customers in turn, have expectations for correctly supplied product delivered on time, which the implementation of this quality policy seeks to achieve. The success of the organization is entirely dependent upon producing satisfied customers who will continue to place orders. It is essential, therefore, that it continues to build sound partnerships and a high quality reputation with its customers. This statement represents the commitment of K V Steel Services Ltd to the Quality Policy. |